
Singin' I'm No a billy he's A tim

20th anniversary tour

New Dates Added Due to Popular Demand!

A play exploring bigotry and ethnic identity, “Singin' I'm No A Billy, He's A Tim” is a phenomenon in Scotland where it has sold out countless nationwide tours, a sensation at the Edinburgh Festival and now touring Internationally.


Written by Des Dillon and Directed by Stephen Cafferty. With Scott Kyle (Outlander, Angels Share, Kajaki and Winner of Stage Award for Acting Excellence), Colin Little (River City, Fried, Gasping, The Secret Agent) and James Miller.


Israeli vs Palestinian, Catholic vs Protestant, Celtic vs Rangers... When tribal factions clash can reason ever prevail?


What happens when on the day of the Old Firm Match, you lock up a Celtic and Rangers fan in a cell together?


And a weird kind of unity.


Age 16+ : Show contains strong language.


Ticket information:

Performance dates: 10th / 11th / 12th May 2024

Extra Dates Added Due To Demand:  9th, 13th, 18th + 19th May 

Performance time:  7.30pm & 2.30pm

Run Time: 90 minutes - plus Half Time

Tickets: £25



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