Waiting For God. oh.

Waiting for god. oh.

God is fun. 

God is bored. 

God is lonely. 


For a bit of excitement, God invites a human to spend some time with her. God can’t wait to be the centre of attention and to be bombarded by silly human questions. But, interacting with an average human isn’t quite everything God imagined. And neither is it for the human. 


“You’re not supposed to be like this!”

“And you are?!”


They share stories, fight, laugh and ultimately, connect. Turns out, both an omniscient being and a human can feel trapped by the lives they lead.


Waiting For God. oh. is a new play, reminding us that, by loving others as well as ourselves, we can chip away at our feelings of hopelessness. And perhaps, if we work together, we can discover what matters most in a world that can feel more and more alien to us each day.


Cast - Erica Tavares Kouassi & Lèona McLoughlin

Director - Nicky Allpress

Photography & Sound - Nùria Riba Rossy


ticket information

Performance Dates: Thursday 8th - Saturday 10th February 2024

Tickets; £15 / £12

Time: 8.30pm



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