Extra Live! Performances

We're always pretty relaxed at the Old Red Lion, but we know that the theatre can feel like an intimidating place for audiences who can't always control when they move or make some noise.

So inspired by the brilliant Jess Thom we're encouraging all of our productions to have at least one Extra Live! performance. There'll be information about this on the individual show pages, but there's a handy list below too.

These relaxed performances provide an opportunity for people with autism spectrum conditions, learning disabilities or other sensory and communication needs to access theatre in a relaxed environment.

It's not that you're not welcome on any other day (you're ALWAYS welcome, and anyone who says otherwise frankly isn't) but on these dates we're really shouting about it (so you know you can too.)


What’s different about these performances?

- The house lights will be up, so it’s not too dark

- You can move and make noises during the show

- You can come and go as you please

- The volume of all sound effects and music will be lowered

- Please ask to speak to the Stage Manager if you have any further concerns


Please click HERE to download our Visual Guide

Please click HERE to download our Audio Guide


Any questions? Drop us a line: 


Upcoming Extra Live! Performances:

to be announced ...

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